Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Hi, blog readers. I was just wondering your opinions about my blog. This is a page where you should feel free to post comments with suggestions, your opinion, or anything. I already know a lot of the commenters, but there might be some "ghost" readers out there. Please be as critical as you can, because truley, I don't mind. I just would like to have some idea about my readers and their thoughts or questions.

Thanks and good fun,

The Meanest Doll in the World

I am almost finished reading The Meanest Doll in the World by Ann Martin and Laura Godwin. I can't forget this book's illustrator, Brian Selznick, because of his amazing pictures on multiple pages. The Meanest Doll in the World is in a series (titles in order): 1 The Doll People 2 The Runaway Dolls 3 The Meanest Doll in the World. This book is about two dolls who come to life and they accidentally end up at their owners school. The girls decide to take a look around the school and then get back into the backpack. When they reach home, it's not the Palmer's house they're used to. The girls are in a messy room that belongs to a boy, not their owner, Kate. A horrible doll, Princess Mimi (Mean Mimi), comes to attack Tiffany and her friend Annabell doll. They meet some trolls, the Cutouts, and three other mini dolls who have been bullied by Mean Mimi. The two dolls need to help save the others when Mimi attacks. Mean Mimi is mad at the other dolls because they don't want to be her friends anymore, due to her bullying them. She is also angry at Tiffany and Annabelle because they are helping the others. Mean Mimi controls some of the timid dolls and they attack too. There's a big commotion in the boy's room, but the dolls must be sure they won't be seen alive by a human.

I think Tiffany Funcraft is my favorite character in The Meanest Doll in the World. This is because Tiffany is adventurous. She is daring and always wants to explore, unlike picky Annabelle. Tiffany always loved her adventures with Auntie Sarah, Annabelle's aunt. She wasn't afraid of spiders or even Princess Mimi. Tiffany stood up to Mean Mimi when all the other dolls were so scared she was going to damage them. Tiffany was always nice to Annabelle, even when Annabelle hadn't treated her the same. Tiffany was always happy and cheering people up. She encouraged the other dolls to not give up and keep trying. That shows that Tiffany was brave and helpful. She always tried her best at everything, even if she wasn't interested.

I'm predicting that in the last chapter I have, everything will get back to normal. When Mean Mimi followed Tiffany and Annabelle home, she caused even more trouble. Now she was being seen in front of humans (alive!) and was being very rude and disruptive. Then she jumped off of a book shelf in front of Kate  (ut-oh!) and went to PDS. PDS is Permanent Doll State which rarely happens, if a doll is fully seen by a human. Mean Mimi looks paralyzed because her doll life is over. Everyone feels relieved, but it's sad. If I were of the the dolls who was having to deal with Mimi, I wouldn't care. I know that seems mean, but, it's true. Mean Mimi was a bully and she was putting dollkind at risk.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Dreaming is one of the strangest things. They can be good or bad; sad or happy. I don't understand why we dream in our sleep. I don't think anyone does, not even scientists. Dreaming is like a Magic 8 Ball. They're never the same and can mean anything, if they do make sense. Some people dream in color which is supposed to mean they're more creative and are good at imagining things. Some others dream in black and white and they don't think out of the box as much, or care about being stylish or artsy. In my opinion, either one is fine. Everyone is different, just like their dreams, and that's okay. To tell you the truth, I don't remember any of my dreams or how I dream them. I'm guessing that because I'm creative, I dream in color but I remember a few dreams. I think that one time I had an outlandish dream and it was it tye-dye. Hmm... I wonder why we dream what we do...


My favorite music website that's free is iTunes. iTunes is made by Apple and it's a site where you can download movies, apps, games, songs, albums, podcasts, and more. I think it's pretty cool that iTunes can operate that fast when hundreds of people are using it at once. I always download my favorite songs and interesting podcasts when I go on. It's amazing how iTunes has so many high-tech abilities. One of my favorites is called Genius. It takes the songs you have bought and recommends other songs and artists to you. That's how I find a lot of the music I like. Well, I suggest you all download iTunes if you don't already have it. Just go to and press downloads. From there, you can just click "Download iTunes" and it's free to install.

Monday, March 29, 2010


A lot of my friends have braces or are going to get them. Not me. I wonder why some people want to get braces. I don't see a single reason why someone would like braces. To tell you the truth, I don't think braces are too pretty. Besides, you can't eat gum, corn on the cob, or popcorn... some of my favorite foods! But if I end up having to get braces, I'll probably get orange or purple braces. I have to admit that it's pretty cool that the dentists can give you colored braces! The old-fashioned braces were so big and bulky: :( No offense to people who had them or still do!!

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Easter Sunday is coming up very soon. I'm sure many people are going shopping for ham, but they're also picking up some candy and Easter baskets. Lots of people are buying marshmallow Peeps, jelly beans, chocolate bunnies, and even lollipops. What is your favorite Easter candy? I think I like the Peeps best, but all the other sweets are good too. Easter is one of my favorie holidays because it's fun and happy. Every year, family gets together and has a nice meal together. I love having Easter egg hunts. It's really exciting to look around everywhere outside and look for the special eggs. The best part of Easter is decorating the eggs in pastel water colors. Some of the ways to decorate them are making stripes, polka-dots, Easter bunny pictures, or even make smaller Easter eggs within. In the mornings, many people will be taking place in their local churchs to listen to the services. Easter is such an important day of the year because it is the reserection of Jesus Christ. We are so lucky to have plenty of food, drink, shelter, and clothes.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I just wanted to tell everyone about one of the websites we often use at school. It's a great education website for practically anything: math, English, science, technology, health, social studies and art/music. is a website that has thousands of all educational videos for any topic you can think of. Tim and Moby can teach you about stocks to bruises or Albert Einstein to pi. There's even a BrainPOp Junior which is recommended for kindergarteners through 3rd graders. I think BrainPOP is the funnest way there is to learn about everything in life.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Picture of the Week

Hi everybody! I just wanted to announce that now I will be posting a picture of the week! :-) Please don't forget to comment with picture recommendations or anything else. Thanks!


I hope you all like these pictures of 'barking flowers'! They are amazing pieces of art made by a Japanese floral artist which had been designed for spring. I love these little dogs and I hope you enjoy them too!

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Big Transition

Today the principal, guidance counselors, and a few students came to our elementary school. Since I am in fifth grade, they were here to talk about the big change between finishing elementary school and moving onto middle school. Our class made a long list of lists we came up with. The principal, Mr. Scott Fried, told us all about the food (which is MUCH better than ours), teachers, rules, lockers, detention, and many other topics. I am really nervous but excited to go to LMK (school). Everyone says it takes a few weeks to get adjusted to the daily routine, but that middle school's an invitation to let your creativity flow and to meet new friends. I can't wait until I meet my new teachers and classmates! Well, I'll post on the first day of sixth grade! :)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Standing Up For Yourself

Standing up for yourself against a bully is hard. But standing up for yourself against a friend is a nightmare. It's so hard just to go up to a friend and say, "Please don't do that anymore. It hurts my feelings." I don't know why, but I think you're more comfortable around them. It makes you feel awkward to ask them to do something than it is to a bully. When I need to stand up to someone, I pretend it's just a regular person, someone you don't care about as much. This makes it easier because you really feel okay about saying your feelings about someone. Just saying, don't back down.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Text Art

One of my friends just told me about a really cool website: He is an artist, a different type of artist. Chris makes what he calls 'text art' from real characters on a keyboard. I suggest you check out the link that is on this post. This is one of my favorites, a Snoopy dog writing a story:

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Wii Sports Resort

Currently, my favorite Wii game in the whole world is Wii Sports Resort. It is so addicting! There are a lot of interactive games: fencing, ping-pong, water-boarding, skydiving, plane flying, golf, and many more. My favorite game on Wii Resort is sword fighting, or as we call it, fencing. You can duel the game or a friend, enter a quick-cut challenge or even battle multiple characters. It's actually a really good workout! I played three rounds of an activity and had already began to sweat. Wii Resort allows you to also play against players who aren't playing off the same game console as you. In other words, you are able to play with people in other houses, they can even be in different states as you! I highly recommend Wii Resort to everyone who has a Wii.

Friday, March 5, 2010


Hi, all my wonderful readers! I just wanted to apologize for not being able to post as much. I have really been trying to write about my feelings and thoughts often, but that can be hard with a tight schedule. I hope you all understand and I will be trying to post more this month. Thank you for understanding.

Happy blog reading,
Lauren (Little Miss Fun 46)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Taking Tests

Taking tests can be (very) nerve raking, I know. That's why I am writing this post. Here are some of my tips for taking tests:

  • ALWAYS FOLLOW YOUR FIRST INSTINCT: when you're not sure if the answer is one or the other, always put down the first thing you thought about. Following your first instincts are important because with all that studying, it's easy to mix up two answers.
  • DON'T GET DISTRACTED: there will always be those people who have to tap their pencil against the desk, or rattle the chair while taking a test. If that annoys you, don't listen and block out any other noise. You need to concentrate on the test.
  • HELP YOURSELF OUT: studying is probably even more important than taking the actual test. You need to think of ways you can help yourself remember what you have trouble with. Thinking of ways to connect the answer to the question is always helpful and you can do your best on the test.
  • GET PREPARED: some other kids have a special good luck charm they hold while takings tests. Personally, I just need a good night's sleep, a hearty breakfast, and some orange juice and a few TicTacs to boost my concentration.
I think tests aren't very fun for kid, or teachers. Many teachers are forced to give out tests, they don't do it to bore you or put you under any stress. Tests aren't so bad if you are ready. Always pay attention to the teacher and your classmates. If you daydream while your peers' questions are being answered, nothing good can happen. The teacher might have forgotten to say something important that would be on the test that another student said while you weren't paying attention.