Saturday, May 1, 2010

Converse Shoes

 My favorite brand of shoes is Converse. They're perfect for my feet: narrow and long. Plus, Converse are very comfortable and I like how they look. I've got a pair of red, hot pink, navy, and green All-Stars. Chuck Taylor's have been around for a long time (since my dad was a kid- whoa!) and they've evolved a lot. I LOVE CONVERSE FOREVER!!


  1. Do you know where I can buy these. I absolutely love them to death!

    1. I would also like to know! I've been trying to find these with no luck so far :(

  2. hi, i have been looking for these specific pair too. over a year ago i did find them on a site called in berlin I had emailed them regarding the product and they told me on 5-27-11 that "sorry, but they are totally sold out. It´s not an actual model.kind regards." i've still been looking but apparently from that answer i recieved & how long time has passed my hope is dwindling in finding them.. :/ hope i helped. good luck.
