Friday, January 22, 2010

Paper Ornaments

Here's how to make an exciting and colorful paper ornament:

1. Chose your colors, the minimum amount is three and you need to have two of each color, accept one that goes in the center

2. Lay out the colors you want to use and put the single strip of paper in the middles
3. Cut the strips so that the one in the middle's the shortest and the other ones get longer and longer

4. Pick the paper up, starting on either the left or right, but NOT the middle
5. Hold them from one end and staple the top, but still hold onto the other papers

6. Take the two colors to the left and right of your center piece and loop them around to meet up on the bottom
7. Keep doing the same process (step 6) until your ornament is finished and just staple it on the bottom

These fun ornaments can be for Christmas or even any other holiday, since you can chose the colors you'd like.

1 comment:

  1. Very pretty! I think that they would like nice done in green, purple and gold for MARDI GRAS!!!!
