Thursday, February 18, 2010


What does being a bully mean? It means that you're either teasing or hurting someone's feelings and it's continuous. Why do kids bully each other? Bullying may seem like it's the only way to relieve stress about something going on in your life, but it's not. Some bullies might feel like their target is better than them, maybe have more friends, so they want to get revenge. How does the person who's being bullied feel and act? The kids might act differently, but they always feel the same... hurt and sad. Some targets might have more confidence than others and they will stand up to the bully which takes a lot of courage. Others might walk away and ignore the behavior. How can you help someone who's being bullied? You can stand up to the bully and tell them it's not nice to treat people like that. You could also tell a teacher that you saw someone being bullied or made fun of. What is bullying? Well, bullying can be making fun of someone about something they can't change at the moment (like saying they're overweight). Don't be a bully, be nice!

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