Monday, March 29, 2010


A lot of my friends have braces or are going to get them. Not me. I wonder why some people want to get braces. I don't see a single reason why someone would like braces. To tell you the truth, I don't think braces are too pretty. Besides, you can't eat gum, corn on the cob, or popcorn... some of my favorite foods! But if I end up having to get braces, I'll probably get orange or purple braces. I have to admit that it's pretty cool that the dentists can give you colored braces! The old-fashioned braces were so big and bulky: :( No offense to people who had them or still do!!


  1. Yeah I also have braces and before I got them I thought they were the worst creation ever. Actually you sort of get used to them and it doesnt hurt while getting them either.

  2. I don't like braces!!!!! Mostly because I can't chew GUM! ;( I might get them this week!

  3. I had braces for about 8 months. It wasn't fun at all. You have to really clean them after every meal or else people can see all the food that you ate stuck in them. It was a pain to keep them looking nice. It also hurt every time them were tightened. Hope that you never need them!

  4. I hope that everyone who has to get braces in the future don't mind them. I know that would be kinda hard, but... Well at least you won't have to be in pain most of the time. Some people say they hurt, but others claimed they didn't feel a thing. I wonder what my opinion would be...???
