Monday, March 1, 2010

Taking Tests

Taking tests can be (very) nerve raking, I know. That's why I am writing this post. Here are some of my tips for taking tests:

  • ALWAYS FOLLOW YOUR FIRST INSTINCT: when you're not sure if the answer is one or the other, always put down the first thing you thought about. Following your first instincts are important because with all that studying, it's easy to mix up two answers.
  • DON'T GET DISTRACTED: there will always be those people who have to tap their pencil against the desk, or rattle the chair while taking a test. If that annoys you, don't listen and block out any other noise. You need to concentrate on the test.
  • HELP YOURSELF OUT: studying is probably even more important than taking the actual test. You need to think of ways you can help yourself remember what you have trouble with. Thinking of ways to connect the answer to the question is always helpful and you can do your best on the test.
  • GET PREPARED: some other kids have a special good luck charm they hold while takings tests. Personally, I just need a good night's sleep, a hearty breakfast, and some orange juice and a few TicTacs to boost my concentration.
I think tests aren't very fun for kid, or teachers. Many teachers are forced to give out tests, they don't do it to bore you or put you under any stress. Tests aren't so bad if you are ready. Always pay attention to the teacher and your classmates. If you daydream while your peers' questions are being answered, nothing good can happen. The teacher might have forgotten to say something important that would be on the test that another student said while you weren't paying attention. 


  1. Wow, thats really good advice Lauren. Thx!

  2. Zehra, you're totally welcome. I used to really freak out when there was a test, but now it's no biggie!

    -Lauren :O

  3. Hey Lauren! Remember me? I'm Betsy's friend Heather! I just stopped by to read your blog and to say hello!

    Oh, and I wanted to say, as a teacher: we hate grading the tests just as much as you hate taking them. :)

  4. Oh, hi, Heather! I remember you. Didn't you come over to visit New York City? Well, thank you so much for posting a comment on my blog. Hmm... I wonder if my teacher's hate grading tests. They probably do, but some of my brother's teachers wouldn't care... He reports that some of them are mean.

    -Lauren :O
