Monday, April 12, 2010

"Don't Cry Because it's Over, Smile Because it Happened."

I think that one of the most powerful things Dr. Seuss said was, "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." That means so much to me and it's actually pretty sad.

I always tell people to stop remembering the past and planning for the future, but to live the present because that's the most important time. I think what I say is related to what Dr. Seuss had said many years ago. I think he's trying to say, stop regretting that it's over and be happy that is actually occured.

For example, if you were an orphan and then your mother came back to see you again, you would be so thrilled. But if she could only stay for a day, you would be sad when the time was up. I guess I'm trying to say that you should be happy for the time you had, not be greedy for more. Does that make sense to you?

I picked this quote to write about because it made my eyes fill with tears. I think it's so powerful to say that, because that's what many people actually feel. But, they just can't come out and say it. The clock will always be ticking, so you'd minus well just take advantage of the time you can have. Trust me.

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