Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Trampoline Experience

Do to all the blog party preperation, I haven't posted in a few days. Well, I wanted to tell you a story about my friend and I.

So, we were jumping on the trampoline on a nice sunny day. We were having a a lot of fun and everything. But after a couple minutes, we got a little bored. So, my friend asked, "Do you want to have a competition?"

"What type of competiton?" I asked her.

She grinned, "A jumping one!"

We decided to be the contestants and the judge. So, my friend and I got our cell phones and videotaped each others jumps and flips. It was a lot of fun. We made up some crazy ones like a banana peel slide, a diving board jump, and the horse trot. It was a lot of fun, but I got tired of moving around so much. My two favorite jumps were the back-flip and the diving board jump. The flip is just a regular backwards flip, but without any hands. The diving board jump is really fun because you go on 'tipy-toes' and them jump forwards, landing on your face. At least the trampoline is pretty soft!

After getting ourselves completely worn out, we went back inside to watch the videos. I made popcorn and we had lemonade. Exhausted, we slumped onto the floor and watched ourselves doing jumps. Each time the other person agreed that their friend had done a good job, the person was awarded a point. In the end, we had a tie of 14 points each. That was a problem. But of course, we both wanted to win so we decided on a grand finale.

Panting, we dragged ourselves back outside to finish up the game. After her performance, she decided to quit it was so hot! So, that was how our game ended. It was a tie. But dying of heat, we didn't care one bit.

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