Thursday, April 29, 2010

Post-It Mosaic Video

 In art class, we were working on mosaics. So, my teacher showed us this really cool YouTube video about a college grad who made a whole stop-shot video of collages made of Post-Its! It's amazing how he put every single Post-It up just to take a picture. He probably used around 10,000 Post-Its and 100 rolls of film to create this inspiring video! To watch the clip, just click on the link below:

Please post a comment about your favorite part, if you liked the video or not, and something you were inspired to do by the video clip. I hope you liked watching it!


  1. Hey that was pretty cool. The guy kept falling asleep at the computer and the postits didn't particularly appreciate that. Funny!

  2. You're right! He was so depressed, but I didn't understand why! What was the dead-line for? Well anyways, I loved the video and thanks for commetning!!

    :) Lauren

  3. Hey, that was unbelievably clever! I don't think that he was depressed, Lauren. He is a student at the Savannah College of Art and Design. I think that he had a deadline and was trying to meet it. when you're in college, you have so much work to do and a lot of projects are due at the same time. It can be exhausting and at times it's hard to motivate yourself to get down to work. So the guy procrastinates by sleeping & playing a video Post-It Game. The Post-Its interact with him and try to get him to buckle down to work. Unfortunately, he keeps falling asleep!
